Hey Visionaries! Today I've got an interview with Vanessa Hall, author of the Grace Sufficient series that is a Suspense/Romance series and guys...it's incredible! You should totally go check it out, like now!
This interview is in honor of book 4, Unforgiven, releasing and I'm so excited. So let's get going!
Hey Vanessa, it’s great to have you on Writers’ Vision today, and I’m super excited that you’re letting me pick your brain, I mean, ask you some questions!
Tell us a little about yourself.
Thank you so much for having me on! I’ll give you my official bio, which is a little shorter than if I ramble on about myself.
Vanessa Hall is an author, teacher, musician, and homeschool graduate. Her debut novel, Unknown, was published in 2021. Outside of writing, she spends her time teaching music, playing music, and working out. Above all else, though, she is a sinner saved and held fast by the abounding grace of Jesus Christ.
This is the 4th book in your Grace Sufficient Series, was this always the plan? Or did the series come later?
Oh, definitely later in my case! At the most, I would’ve imagined a trilogy. But as I kept writing each subsequent book in the series, I fell more and more in love with the characters and settings, and I just couldn’t let them go. There always seemed to be another character who needed a story!
What did your writing process look like for this book?
Good question! I wrote this book back in 2020, which was about a year and a half after I wrote Untold. So when I came back to this series to write Unforgiven, I was so excited to be back with my Russian friends after writing a few other novels in different settings with different characters. And once I started writing, I was absolutely in love with the book. It was probably one of the easiest stories I’ve ever written!
Fast forward to 2023, I decided to edit Unforgiven for publication, and it definitely wasn’t the easiest book I ever edited. :) There were a lot of rewrites and just general edits, so it was quite the process. I experienced a ton of burnout that year, and I ended up having to pause the entire project and put it away for a year.
And in 2024, after a very busy but growth-filled year, I went back to this story and actually surrendered it to the Lord more than I’ve ever surrendered any other story. With much prayer and God’s great grace, I was able to edit Unforgiven with much greater ease (not that it was simple or easy!), and now it’s ready for readers!
What can we expect from you in the future? pulls a chair up and leans forward with interest
Good question, and I wish I knew the answer. I’m at a bit of a pause in my full-time author career, as I’m now teaching orchestra during the school year. Of course, that affords some time during the summer, but it gives very little time during the rest of the year. I do have a few projects on the back burner, and I have a novel that I’m working on finishing. Without giving away too much information, it has a similar setting to Unforgiven, and it’s full of intrigue, espionage, and lots of drama. :)
What was one of the hardest parts of writing Unforgiven?
The character arcs are really huge and dramatic in this book, and there are several - therefore, it was really hard to portray those realistically and authentically in the amount of time I had. There’s a whole lot of change that these characters go through in Unforgiven, and it was definitely a challenge for this author to keep up with everything.
What is your biggest tip for other authors?
As a Christian author, my number one tip is to surrender it to the Lord completely. I know that probably sounds cliche or trite, but if you actually lay your projects before Him and seek to honor Him above every other thing, He will use your writing in the way He so chooses (which is the best way.) We needed to be praying authors - and I don’t mean saying a prayer every once in a while, but in a continual state of prayer - because we need God’s help to do everything, including writing. And to be honest, I’m no pro at this. I am still working on relying more on the Lord. I’m prideful and self-sufficient at heart, which is why I fail so very often. But we have to be praying, surrendering authors to the best Author of all!
Who is your favorite character in the series?
What a question, hehe! I have favorites based on different perimeters, I suppose. So I think my favorite character in the series is Gabriel Kelly (because he’s the original.) But … I really don’t love writing him. He would just be the best character to meet in real life, and I admire him for his boldness and kindness. However, I really relate to Molly Baird, and of course, Nikolai Alexandrov is my favorite spy/secret agent guy, and he’s easy for me to write. But then this is supposed to be about Vlad and Katya, and I really love Vlad’s arc …
This is just a hard question.
Do you prefer writing from a female or male POV best?
For me, it depends on the character. Some characters (like Nikolai) came with a very specific voice, and it was simple for me to write him. But I’ve also written female POVs that flow quite well - such as Molly and Sasha (from Unworthy.) I think it really ends up being tied to the character - how well I know them as well as how interesting their story is.
Last question, what is your why as a writer?
To share the Gospel, thereby pointing as many people as possible to Christ and bringing glory to God.
About Vanessa:
Vanessa Hall is an author, musician, and homeschool graduate. Most days, she is reading, writing, or practicing the violin—or trying to find time for all three pursuits. Currently, she is working toward gaining a degree in instrumental music education. Unknown is her debut novel. Above all, she is a sinner saved and held fast by the abounding grace of Jesus Christ.
Author Links:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/vanessanhall7/
Book Info

Release day: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Title: Unforgiven (Grace Sufficient, #4)
Author: Vanessa Hall
Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense
Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62834359-unforgiven
Purchase: https://books2read.com/u/m270dG
Redemption isn’t free.
Guilty of countless crimes, Vladislav Genkin is desperate to find forgiveness. Violence has long scarred his soul, and his sins push him to Grace Baptist Church to confront Nikolai Alexandrov, one of his victims. Yet Nikolai’s forgiveness brings Vlad no peace, and against Vlad’s will, he’s drawn into the circle of the church and Nikolai’s dangerous past.
Katya Voronova rebuilt her life from the shambles of a long-ago divorce, and Vlad’s appearance leaves her shaken and besieged by memories better left untouched. Yet she is drawn into the rising danger, and Vlad’s past becomes more apparent—and unforgivable.
As the past finally catches up to Vlad and Katya, will they find the forgiveness they crave—and will they discover that grace has already accomplished it?
Sale info:
Unknown, Grace Sufficient, #1: https://books2read.com/u/49nnDk
Unworthy, Grace Sufficient, #2: https://books2read.com/u/m0l1XW
Untold, Grace Sufficient, #3: https://books2read.com/u/m0vp77
Remembered, Grace Sufficient, #3.5: https://books2read.com/u/4AvqYJ
Have you read any of Vanessa's books? Did you know she's also a member of Writers' Vision? Which of her answers did you enjoy most? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Wonderful interview! 🤗 Definitely adding Vanessa's books to my TBR. 😉