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January Writing Challenge Info

Writer's picture: Kaytlin PhillipsKaytlin Phillips

Hey guys! I sort of...might of...let this place die over the holidays for that I am extremely sorry, but I've been so crazy busy with work, editing, writing, reading, holidays, sick dog, planning for college...etc. That this was a little much to add to the plate. But the dog is doing better so, I have a little time cleared up at the moment. *Reaches over and pets dog sitting in his chair beside me*

So, the monthly challenge info is going to be posted each month in a blog post over here, because the description box on the challenge page only lets me put so many characters. Anyway, besides the point. This month I'm gonna do something a little different.

This month your challenge is to take a sentence I give you and write a story that best uses said sentence. So, I'm going to judge this month and then you guys let me know if any of you are interested in coming up with the challenge sentence and judging in future months. :)

So, this needs to be a short story of five thousand words or less. So if you write a story of two hundred words or five thousand it can be entered! I'm not stretching or capping your creativity too much on this one, besides making you work with my sentence....which at this moment I have no idea what it's going to *ahem* let's write a sentence for the challenge!

Though I had stood here a thousand times, something about this time felt different, as if for the first time I could actually see.

Tada! Now, you get to use this sentence in a story of your choice! I think it would work for a contemporary or dystopian or even a romance maybe...anything really. If you'd rather use it in a poem that works too! (Ooo, I should do poetry challenges too...hmmm...)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this challenge...oh, and the entries have to be submitted *pulls up calendar* ...Jan. 28. Sound good to everyone? If not...then....yeah, not sure what else I could do except remember to post the challenge sooner next

I'll try to get a post about something useful up soon, but if you follow mine and my sisters' blog you know getting blog posts up has not been our thing lately...but I'll try to write something for you guys!

Also, if anyone wants to guest post on here let me know in the comments! I would love to have some of you guys guest post!

Okay, we are officially alive again over here! Start flooding me with posts guys....or at least

God Bless!

Kaytlin Phillips

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Joelle Stone
Joelle Stone
Jan 18, 2022

Oooh I finally saw this!! Oof, we'll see if I can come up with something in that bit of time I have. XD I'd be interested in prompting/judging sometime, though, to give you a break. ;)

Kaytlin Phillips
Kaytlin Phillips
Jan 19, 2022
Replying to

Yay!....Oh, goody!


Jan 13, 2022

Does the short have to be in first person?

Jan 13, 2022
Replying to

Thank you!


Louise Taylor
Louise Taylor
Jan 09, 2022

Dead in the Evening, describes where I work too, it just gets so quiet at night. (I dishwash for a local resturant (I can’t spell it, guess my brain is done for tonight, lol).)

oooo, a KEY CARRIER! Sounds important!

oooo! May! Can’t wait! And perfect! I‘ll do the May monthly challenge then, give you, Miss Author, a break from all this hard judging work! Haha.

Kaytlin Phillips
Kaytlin Phillips
Jan 09, 2022
Replying to

It was! I hope about three months. Since October 3rd... Lol...yes you will! I'll send it to you later or tomorrow at the latest. : ) I'm glad you're excited!


Jaiden Phillips
Jaiden Phillips
Jan 08, 2022

Hey-Oh! Ooooooo, this sounds like a cool challenge 👀👀👀 I'm in! Though I have said that about all the other ones, but this time I will actually write something 👍

I can come up with a challenge and judge it sometime is you want😁

Great post sissy!

Love your dragon nerd sister Jaidie😜

Jaiden Phillips
Jaiden Phillips
Jan 08, 2022
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*salutes* "Yes, Master ma'am"🤣😜




Louise Taylor
Louise Taylor
Jan 08, 2022

Officially alive again! Lol, I feel that down to my very core... 😂

Such a cool sentence starter! I can’t wait to write something! (And also edit my the grammar on my last (thanksgiving) entry, which I haven’t done yet... whoops, 😱 😂) Everything’s so busy, it’ll be fun to just sit and write as a challenge, so thanks for doing these! *looks around the room, raises hand slowly* I’d like to come up with a prompt and judge one month... if you’d like... :)

(and congrats on college! What are you planning on studying? I hope your dog feels better!)

Kaytlin Phillips
Kaytlin Phillips
Jan 08, 2022
Replying to

Haha, exciting. It's like so dead in the evening...I work at the Dollar's in the middle of nowhere which happens to be a mile and half from'm a Key Carrier, basically some who counts the money and closes or opens. Where do you work/do? Yep! I hope to publish in May! I was shooting for March but that's not gonna happen so May it is! Thank you! Sounds good! I'll put you down for May. Hahaha, I know. I'm a walking is that...hahaha)

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